For comments, suggestions
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0 29.12.1994 Formal examination (assignment of filing date) 31.03.1996 Publication of the decision of grant (B1) 30.09.1996 Completion of the opposition filing period 30.09.1996 Issuance of patent (C2) 29.12.2004 Valid until 29.12.2004 Publication of expiration of the patent

Patent expired

(11)Number of the document447
(21)Number of the application95-0075
(22)Filing date of the application1994.12.29
 Date of filing the request for examination (de fond) 29.12.1994
(71)Name(s) of applicant(s), code of the countrySPATARENCO Afanasii, MD;
(72)Name(s) of inventor(s), code of the countrySPATARENCO Afanasie, MD; VIERU Iurie , MD;
(73)Name(s) of owner(s), code of the countrySPATARENCO Afanasie, MD;
(54)Title of the inventionMethod of fire solid combustible materials extinguishing
(13)Kind-of-document code
C2, BOPI 10/1996
B1, BOPI 03/1996
(51)International Patent Classification A62C 39/00 (2006.01);
(45)Date of publication of patent granting decision:1996.03.31
(47)Date of issuance of patent1996.09.30
 Expired patents; Date of expiration2005.04.30
 Payment for maintenance up to the date2004.12.29
(30*)Priority of the former USSR application3862280/40-12, 1985.02.28, SU
(10*)Title of protection of the former USSR1347939, SU