(11) | Number of the document | 792 |
(21) | Number of the application | 97-0053 |
(22) | Filing date of the application | 1997.02.21 |
| Date of filing the request for examination | (pe raspunderea solicitantului) 21.02.1997 |
(71) | Name(s) of applicant(s), code of the country | ROSCA Victor, MD; BUMACOV Vasile, MD; UNCU Gheorghii, MD; |
(72) | Name(s) of inventor(s), code of the country | ROSCA Victor, MD; BUMACOV Vasile, MD; UNCU Gheorghe, MD; |
(73) | Name(s) of owner(s), code of the country | ROSCA Victor, MD; BUMACOV Vasile, MD; UNCU Gheorghii, MD; |
(54) | Title of the invention | Seedlings growing technique and the realisation thereof |
(13) | Kind-of-document code | |
(51) | International Patent Classification | A01G 9/00 (2006.01); |
(19) | Country | MD |
(45) | Date of publication of patent granting decision: | 1997.08.31 |
(47) | Date of issuance of patent | 1998.09.30 |
| Payment for maintenance up to the date | 2016.02.21 |
| Date of patent termination | 2016.02.21 |
| Date of publication of the termination of patent, with the right of restoration | 2016.09.30 |
| License contract | Nr. decizie: 228
Data decizie: 2000.06.22
Nr. contract: 224
Data. contract: 2000.06.22
Licenţa: exclusiva
Termenul de valabilitate: durata de valabilitate a brevetului
Teritoriul de acţiune: Republica Moldova
Licenţiarul: ROŞCA Victor, MD; BUMACOV Vasile, MD; UNCU Gheorghii, MD
Licenţiatul: "DAAC-PLANT" srl., MD
str. Calea Ieşilor, nr. 10, MD-2069, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Nr. decizie: 229
Data decizie: 2000.06.22
Nr. contract: 225
Data. contract: 2000.06.22
Licenţa: neexclusiva
Termenul de valabilitate: durata de valabilitate a contractului
Teritoriul de acţiune: Republica Moldova
Licenţiarul: "DAAC-PLANT" srl., MD
str. Calea Ieşilor, nr. 10, MD-2069, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Licenţiatul: "Daac-Sere" SA., MD
str. Haltei 41-a, MD-2023, Chişinău, Republica Moldova