For comments, suggestions
Profile: PALAMARCIUC Iulia (Update: 01.09.2024)

Date cumulate

Cumulated data
Total of filed applications, of which for: 3



Short-term patents


Utility models

Titles of protection granted/issued, of which:

patents (BI)


short term patents (BISD)


utitity models (MU)

Applications in which inventor is applicant 2
Total of valid titles of protection 0 (BI:0 BISD:0 MU:0)
Invalid patents with the right of revalidation 0
Total titles of protection being valid more than 5 years 0
Average life of patent (years) 4.0
BI: 4.0

AnulBrevete de invenţieTotal

AnulBrevete de invenţieBrevete de invenţie de scurtă duratăModele de utilitate

Top IPC subclasses

Top IPC subclasses
1 C23F 4 non-mechanical removal of metallic material from surfacesinhibiting corrosion of metallic materialin
2 C25C 2 processes for the electrolytic production, recovery or refining of metalsapparatus therefor
3 C22B 1 production or refining of metalspretreatment of raw materials

Top IPC subgroups

Top IPC subgroups
1 C23F 13/00 2
2 C23F 13/02 2
3 C22B 7/00 1
4 C25C 1/12 1
5 C25C 1/06 1


Top-10 Inventors/Co-inventors (in the case of inventor profile)

Top-10 Inventors/Co-inventors (in the case of inventor profile)
1 COSOVA Tatiana 3
2 COSOV Vilghelm 3
3 MATIUŞENSCHI Alexandru 3
4 TARAN Nicolae 1
5 PAVLOV Vitali 1

Top-10 Co-applicants/applicants (in the case of inventor profile)

Top-10 Co-applicants/applicants (in the case of inventor profile)
1 COSOV Vilghelm 3
2 COSOVA Tatiana 2
3 MATIUŞENSCHI Alexandru 2
4 TARAN Nicolae 1
5 PAVLOV Vitali 1

Top-10 Co-owners/owners (in the case of inventor profile)

Top-10 Co-owners/owners (in the case of inventor profile)
1 COSOV Vilghelm 3
2 COSOVA Tatiana 2
3 MATIUŞENSCHI Alexandru 2
4 TARAN Nicolae 1
5 PAVLOV Vitali 1

Top patents cited by person

Top patents cited by person
1 MD 747 1
2 JP 48 1
3 SU 944031 1
4 SU 841396 1
5 SU 527928 1
6 SU 1768661 1

Top patents cited by examiners(in Search Reports)

Top patents cited by examiners(in Search Reports)
1 3082 2
2 3057 2
3 3384 1

The most longeval person patents

The most longeval person patents
Nr.Număr brevetSolicitantInventatorTitularTitluValabil pînă laValabil (ani)
1 3082 COSOV Vilghelm, MD; COSOVA Tatiana, MD; TARAN Nicolae, MD; PAVLOV Vitali, MD; MATIUŞENSCHI Alexandru, MD; PALAMARCIUC Julia, MD; COSOV Vilghelm, MD; COSOVA Tatiana, MD; TARAN Nicolae, MD; PAVLOV Vitali, MD; MATIUŞENSCHI Alexandru, MD; PALAMARCIUC Julia, MD; COSOV Vilghelm, MD; COSOVA Tatiana, MD; TARAN Nicolae, MD; PAVLOV Vitali, MD; MATIUSENSCHI Alexandru, MD; PALAMARCIUC Julia, MD; Procedeu de protecţie electrochimică a metalelor contra coroziunii 08.08.2011 6
