For comments, suggestions
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0 14.05.1997 Opening of the national phase 28.02.1999 Publication of the PCT application (A) 28.02.2002 Publication of the decision of grant (F2) 31.08.2002 Completion of the opposition filing period 30.09.2002 Issuance of patent (G2) 13.11.2005 Valid until 31.01.2007 Publication of the decision of forfeiture, the term of re-establishment has expired

Patent expired

(11)Number of the document1861
(21)Number of the application97-0187
(22)Filing date of the application1995.11.13
 Date of filing the request for examination (pe raspunderea solicitantului) 10.11.1999
(71)Name(s) of applicant(s), code of the countryWARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY, US;
(72)Name(s) of inventor(s), code of the countryBLANKLEY, Clifton John, US; DOHERTY, Annette, Marian, US; HAMBY, James, Marino, US; PANEK, Robert, Lee, US; SCHROEDER, Mel, Conrad, US; SHOWALTER, Howard, Daniel,Hollis, US; CONNOLLY, Cleo, US;
(73)Name(s) of owner(s), code of the countryWARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY, US;
(54)Title of the inventionDerivatives of the 6-arylpyrido [2,3-d] pyrimidines and naphthyridines, parmaceutical composition on base thereof, methods of treatment and inhibition of the tyrosine kinaze receptor cell proliferation and migration
(13)Kind-of-document code
G2, BOPI 10/2002
F2, BOPI 02/2002
A, BOPI 02/1999
(51)International Patent Classification C07D 471/04 (2006.01);
(41)Date of publication of the application1999.02.28
(45)Date of publication of patent granting decision:2002.02.28
(47)Date of issuance of patent2002.10.31
(30)Priority08/339,051, 1994.11.14, US; 08/539,410, 1994.11.06, US
(74)Patent attorneySIMANENKOVA Tatiana, Str. Andrei Doga 2/1, MD-2024, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
 Substantive examiner(s)EGOROV Tamara
(85)Date of introducing the national procedure1997.05.14
(86)International applicationPCT/US1995/014700, 1995.11.13
(87)International publicationWO 1996/15128, 1996.05.23
 Payment for maintenance up to the date2005.11.13
 Date of patent termination2005.11.13
 Date of publication of the termination of patent, with the right of restoration2006.06.30
 Date of publication of the termination of patent, without the right of restoration2007.01.31